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Credits for breweries

Because of the fact that I get lots of beers from famely, friends, colleagues, other collectors and even breweries I try to make a page with info off all the beers I got from/through others. I started this site in august 2002.
I even got a mail from the Lion Brewery in Sri Lanka. They wanted to know how to get listed on my site. By answering that I only add beers I tasted myself they send me two bottles of there beers for free. The Policka Brewery from the Czech republic even send me all there four beers for free to get mentioned at my website. You can find the links to both of theese breweries at this page.

If there are other breweries who also want to get listed at my hompepage please mail me. I got over 12.000 visitors a year! When I get free beers from your brewery I list you on this site with a banner referring to your homepage.

List of breweries

03-2024 Brewskeborg I did get somen new beers from brewery BrouwDOK in Harlingen from the head of sales Jan Sjoerd.

11-2023 Dondersbier The bockbier from Dondersbier was a present from this, for me, new dutch brewery.

11-2023 Brewskeborg Thanks to Bert Couperus I got four differrent canned IPA's from brewery Brewskeborg.

09-2021 NoarderDragten Brewer Johan de Jong gave me some beers at the grand opnening of his new brewery in Drachten.

11-2019 Bunnikbier This new dutch brewery delivered zeven of there beers at my place to try.

06-2017 Uthoka Brouwstudio Uwe Kalms gave me one of the first beers from this brewery

06-2017 Eggens Bier The brewer himself, Martijn Eggens, delevired on of the first bottled Eggens beers direct at my front door.

06-2017 De Vrolijcke Joncker After my first visit at this new brewery in Zevenhuyizen i got seven beers form this new brewery.

06-2017 Groene Glazenmaker Frans gave me the second beer from this micro brewery in Leek.

07-2016 Heer v Oranje Beers from this new brewery in the South of the Netherlands were send by the brewer.

03-2016 Pivo Karst van der Heide gave me the first three new beers from brewery Pivo.

03-2016 Vechter Before the opening of the brewery Henkjan Matthijs gave me there first beer called Saison 6.5.

10-2015 Wildervanker Jan Abbingh brewer of the beers from Wildervank provides me occasionally with his new beers.

10-2015 Martinus The beers from the new brewery Martinus in Groningen I did get from the brewer Martijn Swierstra just before the opening of the brewery.

08-2015 Dn Draok The beer of D'n Draok was send by brewer Paul Kitzen

07-2015 Heeren van Veen Brewers Dick en Eric send me there beer Veens Nat

06-2015 Rockin'Ludina The beers from Rockin'Ludina I got from Sjoerd en Devin, together with some testbatches.

05-2015 De Blauwe Knoop John Kerstens gave me some beers from the Blauwe Knoop. Including a few testbatches.

04-2015 Corviri Niek Hartman gave me the two beers at to opening of the brewery.

03-2015 Gebr.Ducaat De Ducaat beers I did get from brewers Kees en Gert at the lentebeerfesival in Leeuwarden.

03-2015 de 7de Hemel At a beertasting in Groningen i got two beers from Ger en Kitty Hendrix.

09-2014 de Biederie Dagmar en Fabian from the Bierderie gave me their Mirjam. There other beer Sprout was given a long time ago.

09-2014 de Brouwtoren Brewery de Brouwtoren in Nimwegen gave me there Beta beer to test.

06-2014 De Kleine Beer Bernd from the Kleine Beer (small beer) gave me the Lemmer Fjour.

06-2014 Bax Bier De Bax beers were given by Jeroen en Sepp

06-2014 Berghoeve Jurgen brought the latest Berghoeve beer (Mageler Pilz) for me to Groningen.

06-2014 VandeStreek At the presentation in specialbeercafe de Koffer In Groningen Ronald gave me four bottles of beer.

05-2014 Bourgondische brouwers The first beer from the Bourgondische brewers, Jan zonder vrees, was send by mail.

05-2014 Ruig Bier At the Utrechts Bierfestival i got two beers from brewery Ruig bier to try at home.

04-2014 Spierbier The first beer of this new Dutch contractbrewer was send spontaneously by the brewer.

01-2014 Brouwerij Liefde Antoinette from brewery Liefde gave me here latest beer, "Ware Liefde", at the Winterbeerfestifal in Gouda.

05-2012 Houtens Brouw Collectief I got the first beer (Brewed 2B) from the HBC from Jan Ausems at the 2nd Utrechts Beerfestival.  
10-2011 Kromme Jat Groningen Most of the beers from brewery "de Krommejat" were given to me by Jaap and Willem Lindeman.  
04-2011 Maallust Veenhuizen Jan-Willem Wolff, one of the founders of Maallust, gave me the first four beers from this brewery.  
04-2004 De Prael Amsterdam I got three beers from John Agricola from the Prael Brewery in Amsterdam.

04-2004 Klasterni Pivovar Three new beers from the Klasterni Pivovar from the Czech Republic, thanks to Jan Lochmann.    
11-2003 Texelse bierbrouwerij Four new beers from the Texelse Brewery were added.    
11-2002 Baltika St.Petersburg The most of the Baltika beers in my collection are from this distributor.

10-2002 Policka Pivovar
Czech Republic
Did send me 4 beers by mail: Otakar, Hradebni svetle, Hradebni tmave and Zavis
Special thanks to dr. Karel Witz.
09-2002 Lion Brewery
Sri Lanka
Lion Lager and Lion Stout by mail for free from Sri Lanka.
Special thanks to Sharlene Adams, the Lion Beer Brewery